Dexter the Courageous Koala by Jesse Blackadder

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HarperCollins, 2015. ISBN 9780733331787
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. When Ashley's plans for a new puppy fall through, she is devastated. Fortunately, her Aunt Micky invites her for a visit. Micky cares for abandoned and orphaned wildlife. A great way for a young girl to forget her troubles. While we are reading about Ashley, we also learn about a baby koala called Dexter and his mother.
Ashley and Dexter's lives are about to become entwined as a storm blows through town. The roads are closed due to all the rain. How will they get the baby koala to a vet?
This Australian story is highly recommended for girls aged 10+. The two perspectives create an engaging story and it's descriptive language allows the reader to create images. The story moves quickly and keeps the reader engaged. Dexter would be a great class novel, linking Geography and English.
Kylie Kempster