Der glumph went the little green frog ill. by Matt Shanks

Scholastic, 2019. ISBN 9781742993676.
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Frogs. Humour. Australian animals. A
version of the song on which this picture book is based showing the
noise made by a frog can be found on Youtube.
Scholastic takes it one step further, including an array of
Australian animals and the imagined noises they make when
unobserved. The echidna makes the sound of scritch scratch, snuggy
snug hug go the penguins, the roo, hop hop hop and the little pink
bird (galah) goes squwark squwark. Each animal is shown doing what
it does enabling readers to recognise the characteristics of that
animal as they sing along.
The simple tune is well known and children will easily adapt the new
lines to the song, although several may need tweaking, and readers
will learn them quickly to sing along with the teacher. Actions will
be added, making this a book full of fun and laughter in the
classroom. Shanks' illustrations add to the merriment, despite the
girl's face being out of alignment (I thought her eye was
permanently closed until I realised it was her nose I was looking
Readers will love spotting the Australian flora and fauna well
depicted by Shanks, and laugh out loud at the humorous touches
included in his illustrations: the echidnas being used as bowling
balls and the galah appearing on each page, and being wooed on the
last page, while the sounds they make in the book invites discussion
in the classroom about the noises really made by these animals.
Fran Knight