Demon strike by Andrew Newbound

Scholastic, 2010. ISBN 978 1 906427 17 7
(Age 10+) Warmly recommended. A wonderful fantasy thriller, Demon
strike will garner fans of all ages
who want to read a fantasy but mixed with humour and fun. Wortley Flint
and his ghost busting partner, Alannah Malarra go to a house where some
strange ghoulish behaviour has been detected. Their ghost busting
business is doing well, so they a re appalled when another level of
ghost busters, people from ANGEL arrive, ready to take them on.
Fhli, the ANGEL, realises that she has been sent to dispose of these
two young hunters, and sees that they are not the problem, despite them
showing up on Evan City's radar. So they join forces to find out just
what malevolence there is in the old house. But Fhli is not supposed to
join forces with humans or 'fleshies' and is called back to explain
herself to the mayor.
This laugh out loud fantasy has cleverly worked the angel motif into a
scrum of fantastic creatures. ANGEL stands for Attack-ready Network of
Global Evanescent Law-enforcers, the elite army of Evan City, the
Higher Dimension that provides protectors for all. Flhi has been given
her wings and is sent to earth on what she sees as a do or die mission,
but she survives. Newbound uses a bunch of wonderful phrases, straight
from American war movies ('get your skinny butt out of there', 'an angel
is down' and so on), while the names of the characters
laughingly portray some of their characteristics. Kids will laugh out
loud as I did along with Alannah and Wortley, Flhi and her troopers and
with Alannah finding out where her parents are must mean another story
in the pipeline.
Fran Knight