Death and Co: Fault Lines by D. J McCune

Hot Key Books, 2015. ISBN: 9781471402715
(Age: Teens) Fault lines is the final book in the Death
and Co trilogy written by D.J McCune. Adam Mortson is part of
Britain's leading Luman family. The Lumans are charged with leading
the dead to the afterlife. Adam's brothers easily slip in to their
role as guides to the light; however Adam struggles to comprehend
his own role. He is torn between two very different worlds, one
where he wants to go to school, hang out with his friends and
struggle to pass tests and get his very first girlfriend; however
his life as a Luman is slowly beginning to overpower any other
option. Adam Mortson is a sandy haired, blue eyed, fifteen year old,
with an extra-ordinary gift. He is able to see a person's death
before it actually happens, and on a school trip to Japan this gift
allows Adam to pre-empt a tsunami that will kill thousands of
people. This one event will change his life and that of his friends
. . . But only if they survive.
This enthralling novel is told from the perspective of Adam as he
goes through many life changing decisions. The major themes that
present themselves throughout the novel are death, friendship, and
family. I would recommend this novel to teenagers who enjoy reading
fantasy or mythology novels.
Emily Madden