Danny Best: Me first by Jen Storer

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Ill. by Mitch Vane. ABC Books, 2018. ISBN 9780733333354
"Danny Best is always first.
First to wrestle a feral pig.
First to swim with crocodiles.
First to eat the eyeballs of dead yak.
Danny Best. If the challenge is EPIC, he'll be first." (Publisher)
I love the format of this book and I know from first-hand experience that the series is a huge hit with the students. We have had it borrowed from students from Year 2 and are finding that it is very appealing to struggling readers in Year 4. The layout of the books is entertaining and the mix of text and illustrations allows disengaged students to want to read. I think the four short stories appeal to readers who have trouble concentrating on one story for a period of time. Danny is a crazy character who will appeal to those of us with a small hidden naughty streak! People who have read the likes of Anh Do, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Stuff Happens will enjoy Danny Best. Another important point is that you do not need to read the series in order, something that we are often asked in the library. The quizzes are an added bonus.
Kathryn Schumacher