Crossing the Line by Gillian Philip

Bloomsbury, 2009. ISBN
(Ages: 13+) I
found this a harrowing read, the tension mounting as each chapter goes
by. Even
though the reader knows that a boy is dead, the alternate sections, Then,
telling of the past, and Now,
relaying what is happening as a
result, does nothing to unclench your muscles as you read. The bullying
terror tactics of some of the students, including the hero of the
unsettled me, and lately I have read some gruesome books for
to high school, Nick makes the wrong choice. He sides with one boy in a
and so becomes part of the gang that goes around bullying and thieving
younger kids. On one occasion he says no, and becomes instead an
outsider, a
boy with a geeky friend, but when that friend is bullied again, a
second person
steps in, Aidan, his sister's boyfriend, who is killed. His sister,
Allie now has an
friend called Aidan, who she speaks to all the time, setting a place
for him at
the table, ensuring he is with the family on outings. Aidan's mother
cannot accept that Allie still
does this, a year after his death, and asks Nick to step in.
in alternate sections, the story trickles out information of the
situation at
school, the groups, the bullies and those who try to stop it. It is
ground, but the way the story is told is electrifying. Told from Nick's
of view, he also tells us of his battle scared family, ill equipped to
with what is happening, also trying to manage an aged, demented gran
with them. This book gives a background to some of the violence we read
of in
the papers, where youths use knives as their weapons against others.