Crossing by Catherine Norton

Scholastic, 2014. ISBN 9781742990286.
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Dystopian, Dictatorship, Freedom. With
overtures of the wall that separated East and West Germany until
1989, this tale of Cara, growing up in the shadow of a wall and the
dictatorial nature of the grim society in which she lives is most
engaging. We learn early that she has done something which has
affected another family in her apartment house, and is beginning to
regret her actions. The Suspicious Act reported meant that Leon's
mother was taken away for re-education. In this sort of society any
comment or joke is viewed with suspicion, but Cara learns that not
all Suspicious Acts are designed to undermine the society.
When Leon's sister, Ava takes the children to her secret place they
have fun as she teaches them to fire a bow and arrow, Cara little
understanding just how important this skill will be.
A tantalising tale, the author gives only little snippets of facts
away as we follow Cara's daily routine, queuing for food, using the
dozens of eggs left by their absent parents, looking after her
younger sister. Leon and his father live upstairs an it is to them
she goes when she has problems, finally asking their forgiveness
when their mother is taken away. But it takes her a long time to
realise the impact of her reporting this Suspicious Act, so immersed
is she in the dogma of the government.
This is a good read, not very long, but loaded with a pile of
ethical and moral questions which any reader will be impelled to
That Marco's family welcomes her in despite what she has done is
stunning, just as is the selfless deed Marco does at the end
of the book.
Fran Knight