Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Hush, Hush 2. Simon and Schuster, 2010.
(Age 14+) The second in the series, following Hush, Hush, sees Nora Grey trying to come to grips with her life. Her gorgeous bad-boy guardian angel, Patch, is not paying her as much attention as she would like. Instead he seems to be making a play for her archrival Marcie Millar. And then there is Scott Parnell, a boy that Nora's mother seems to think would be perfect for her. Add some danger in her search for her father's murderer, and Nora's life is in turmoil.
Much of the book was taken up with Nora's insecurities about her relationship with Patch, and this grew a bit tedious after a while. However teenage girls will like the paranormal romance and will be more tolerant of Nora's doubts, jealousy and break-ups. I would have liked more action and less angst, especially as Patch was portrayed in a very unappealing light. Nora, too, seemed to loose the strength that made her an appealing heroine in Hush, Hush, which was a disappointment.  The end is a thrilling cliffhanger with surprise characters and no doubt I will be compelled to pick up the next in the series to see what happens!
Pat Pledger