Crawf's Kick it to Nick : The Cursed Cup by Shane Crawford and Adrian Beck

Penguin, 2014. ISBN: 9780143307846.
(Ages: 7-9) AFL Football, School Life, Friendship, Fantasy. Shane
Crawford AFL football star and Adrian Beck TV producer for the The
Footy Show have teamed up to write an eight book series with
an AFL theme - Kick it to Nick. They have used their
expertise and understanding to write junior novels based on this
sport with mixed teams of feisty girls and fun boy characters. These
will appeal to younger readers from 7-9 years.
It's the first footy game on the new oval and Nick and his under-11
team, the Cobar Creek Crocs, are desperate to win the golden cup.
The oval has been built over an old mine with disastrous
consequences. When the trophy cup is taken from the cabinet it
changes into a terrifying metal monster, hungry to wipe out
everything around it. Nick the team captain is the only one who can
stop the destruction.
With great references to team participation, AFL superstars and a
dash of mystery, this series is one that will appeal to young footy
Rhyllis Bignell