Crabbing with Dad by Paul Seden

Magabala Books, 2016. ISBN 9781925360158
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. Aboriginal themes, Family
relationships, Crabbing, Fathers. The simple act of doing something
with Dad is shown in this delightful new book from Magabala Books.
The universal story of families working together is infectious and
all children, indigenous and non indigenous will enjoy the trip to
the creek to catch a crab. The warmth of the family outing, the
closeness between Dad and his children, the inclusion of the fellows
fishing on the beach, the addition of a cousin, all make the day a
marvellous success.
Sam and his brother, Mahli, put on their life jackets and speed off
with Dad along the creek to their secret spot. They throw over their
crab pots (judiciously we are told the laws about crab netting in
Australia at the start of the book) and watch the fish swimming
beneath them. When the pot is pulled from the bottom of the creek
they have caught the biggest crab ever and need to do things to it
to stop it from nipping their fingers. We are shown aspects of
culture through this story, and the respect shown to the fish in the
creek, as well as respecting the laws of the land: lifejackets,
sunscreen, safety on the water and wearing hats. And I particularly
like the illustration on the front cover: young readers will quiver
with excitement at the thought of being nipped by those large claws
looming out at them and eagerly turn the pages to find out what the
boys do on their day with Dad.
This lovely story, richly showing a day out with Dad that all kids
can read and admire, underlines the importance of the father in all
our societies giving a man's perspective to young boys growing up.
The way the excellent Paul Seden has told this seemingly simple
story stressing the role of men, as well as giving a procedural
account of going crabbing, makes the reader look for more. Supported
by luminous illustrations, I hope that Paul Seden has many more
stories up his sleeve to share with us all. A Darwin based author
illustrator, Seden's work first appeared with Kick with my left
foot (Allen and Unwin, 2014).
Fran Knight