Country town by Isolde Martyn and Robyn Ridgeway. Illus. by Louise Hogan

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This very interesting historical picture book for older primary students is about a nameless Australian country town that could be located anywhere. The reader is able to follow the town’s growth and change over many decades and learn about the history and the people.

Beginning with an introduction, the question is asked “When you walk along the streets of a country town, have you ever thought about its history?” The creators behind the book then talk about how they created an imaginary town in striking historical images in order to prompt discussion and an understanding of the history behind Australia’s timeline of development.

Following the introduction is the first decade of 1822 where the First Nations poem written by Robyn Ridgeway tells of the lives of First Nations people living on Country in Country Town. This then leads into 1833 and the coming of white strangers to the land and the changes they inflicted on Country and the First Nations people. The decade of 1843 sees the rise of the first European Settlement which leads to 1855 and the Gold Rush, 1866 the Boom years, 1870’s floods, 1893 is considered the Gloom years and importantly shares information about Women’s Rights, the coming of the railway in 1905, World War One Armistice in 1918, the Great Depression in 1929-1939, World War Two 1939-1945, visit by the Queen in 1954, Show Day in 1969 which includes mention of the introduction of supermarkets in country towns in the 1960’s, 1983 Bushfires, Christmas 2018 and what has taken place in Australia up until the present day 2023.

The detailed text is lengthy but clearly segmented and explains major events and changes that took place over the decades presented. It provides a thoughtful First Nations prospective in each decade as well as a thorough look at historical figures and proceedings. The book ends with an excellent visual timeline that will provide fascinating snippets of historical fact.

Country Town is a clever introduction to the history of Australia and with teacher or parent support will promote discussion amongst students. Teacher's notes are available.

Themes: Country town, History, Timeline, Australia, First Nations, Explorers, Community, Development.

Kathryn Beilby