Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst

Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN: 9780802737496
Eve doesn't know much. She knows her name, Eve; she knows Malcolm
and Aunt Nicki but no one from her past. She knows only what the
agency tells her, she is on the run from a notorious serial killer
and her lost memories can help Malcolm find the killer. She is
placed into real life circumstances that jog her memory, she has a
home, she has a job and she has friends that she doesn't trust. Eve
loses more memories and can't remember time between each memory
flash; she loses days or even weeks. And she has to place everything
together so that she knows who she is before its too late for her.
Conjured is an amazing and captivating read. I did find that
I was confused a fair amount but only to the extremes that Eve was.
An intriguing view on magic and mystery that kept me wanting to know
whether Eve will remember who she is at the end or not. I was
shocked at some of the betrayals that Eve had to go through but I
thoroughly enjoyed reading about Eve and watching her evolve into a
stronger character.
Cecilia Richards