Competing for the Cup by Bobbi JG Weiss

Ride series, Book 2. Candlewick Entertainment, 2018. ISBN
(Age: Teenagers+) Recommended. Competing for the Cup is the
second book in the Ride series, and is based on a TV show
aired on Nickelodeon. Competing for the Cup follows Kit
Bridges after her arrival to Covington, an elite equestrian boarding
school in England. Thankfully her father is there with her, and
together they are helping each other deal with the death of Kit's
mother. In this second instalment, Kit has to prepare for the House
Cup competition, and she is raring to prove just how far herself and
her horse TK have come. But life isn't always that simple: Friends
and frenemies acting stranger than usual, someone leaving
encouraging sticky notes with tips for bonding with TK for her, and
lastly catching her Dad on a dinner date. Kit may have more problems
than she can handle. This story explores life issues and the
struggles one can have when moving to a new home, as well as other
teenage issues surrounding friendships and first loves. Kit is
strong minded but her emotions seem to get in the way of her
decision making at times. Still recovering from the events from the
first installment she tries her hardest to be normal at this new
school she now calls home. Kit's father Rudy is portrayed as a
strong father figure to not only Kit but some of the other students
as well. But he seems to be ready to move on in his romance life
sooner than Kit expected. Lastly, since there are a number of other
characters in the TV show that the story follows, the author does
well to balance the chapters between them all. Overall, I believe
this to be a good series for teenagers and would recommend the
series to teenagers and above.
Kayla Raphael