Combat Wombat to the rescue by Gina Newton

Illus. by Tiffanee Daley. Ford Street Publishing, 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Combat Wombat to the rescue is a
beautifully illustrated picture book about Australian animals
trapped in a bushfire. They are led to safety by Combat Wombat
Wildlife Warrior who has discovered he has a super-sensitive nose,
ears and paws. Along their journey to safety they overcome obstacles
including outwitting sneaky Dingo Bingo, to finally arrive on
Billabong Island where they can relax and play.
This is a perfect read aloud for younger students and has all the
elements children love - danger, excitement and a hero to save the
day! However the story could also be used as a lead-in to a unit of
work on Bushfires for all primary aged students. Ford Street
Publishing has developed a comprehensive Teacher
resources pack to supplement the book. The topics covered
1. Habitat is home
2. Fire in the bush
3. Aboriginal peoples and fire
4. To the rescue!
As well as curriculum links to HASS, English and Science for
Foundation to Year 3, the resources also look at sustainability and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures. There
are printable worksheets at the end of the pack.
The stunning illustrations by Tiffanee Daley perfectly complement
the simple text. She has created a series of behind the scenes
videos showing how she completes her drawings from the storyboard
concept, found on her YouTube
Themes: Wombats, Bushfires, Australian bush, Australian animals.
Kathryn Beilby