Coco Banjo has been unfriended by N. J. Gemmell

Coco Banjo series. Penguin, 2015. ISBN 9780857987358
(Age: 7+) Recommended. School. Friendship. Bullying. Canberra. Coco
is thrilled to be going on an excursion to Canberra with her best
friend and the rest of her class. But Coco is blamed by her teacher
for a series of incidents on the trip, making her friend unfriend
her. The cool group on the bus trip claim her friend and Coco is
devastated. She must do something to overcome the bullies and get
back her friend.
At time Coco is a little too good to be true, trying to think only
the best of people, but common sense takes hold and she is able to
show the bullies up for what they really are.
In between times, the book deals with nits, a hidden pet rat, the
Prime Minister and a touch of feminism. And a tour around Canberra
is an added bonus. All in all an easy but entertaining read for mid
to upper primary girls. This is the second book in the series.
Fran Knight