Clementine Rose and the birthday emergency by Jacqueline Harvey

Random House Australia, 2015. ISBN: 9780857985163
(Age: 6+) Recommended. Little girls are always excited about their
upcoming birthdays and the all-important party planning. Clementine
Rose is no exception. She's counting down the days with excited
anticipation. Of course, deciding on the theme is most important and
luckily she has Uncle Digby to help with that!
But Clemmie's birthday is not the only big event in this newest
adventure. Her friends Teddy and Mintie are delighted when a new
puppy comes into their lives, the school sports carnival is on and
poor little Lavender is not at well and has a trip to the vet.
Lavender isn't the only one who needs medical attention however and
Clementine's long awaited party looks uncertain when the little girl
ends up in hospital for an emergency appendix operation.
Devotees of this series will enjoy the latest adventure with all
this action happening and thankfully as always there is a redeeming
happy ending.
For your younger readers who enjoy the 'series' following, you will
be sure this one will be very popular. Perhaps you could arrange a
Clementine Rose event for the fans in your readership as a library
event. I feel sure there would be many takers!
Recommended for newly independent readers from around 6 and up.
Sue Warren