Clara Button and the magical hat by Amy De La Haye and Emily Sutton

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V and A Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-1851776580.
(Ages: 4-8 ) Clara Button loves buttons, making clothes for her dolls and hats, especially Granny Elsie's hat. When her brother Ollie breaks her special hat, her mother decides to cheer Clara up by taking her and Ollie to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, to have a 'magical hat day'. Both Clara and her brother find interesting items at the museum (although Ollie is reluctant to admit it) and Clara is lucky to meet some of the curators of the hats and costumes.
If only everyone can visit the wonderful V&A Museum (I especially remember the glorious cafe featured in the book) but if you can't get there, then this book is a great introduction.
The writer was herself a curator at the V and A and the illustrations are wonderfully intricate and remind me of children's book illustrations from 50 years ago. This is the first book published by the museum.
This picture book will have special appeal to creative children (ages 4-8 ) who love sewing, clothes and costumes.
Jane Moore