City of lies by Lian Tanner

The Keepers series. Allen and Unwin, 2011.
(Ages 10+) Recommended. Adventure. Fantasy. Six months have come and
gone since the country called Jewel was restored to a normal state,
with the Guardians defeated and the evil Fugleman overthrown and
cast out of the country. Goldie is safely living with her parents,
released from the House of Repentance, but still suffering the long
term effect of torture and imprisonment. When a request comes from
the Museum of Dunt offering her the position of Fifth Keeper, she is
thrilled, but with her parents in the state they are in, she cannot
Meanwhile when Goldie and Toadspit are investigating some missing
children, Bonnie and Toadspit are captured and taken by ship to
Spoke. With Goldie also hidden on the ship, adventures are about to
happen all over again. Finding other children to help them in this
Dickensian world proves to be difficult, but when they find
themselves in the midst of the Festival of Lies in the city,
everything is topsy turvey and they find that people cannot be
trusted. But back in Jewel, the evil Flugleman is beginning to worm
his way back into his sister's good graces, so everyone needs to
keep their heads clear for action.
Another fast paced fantasy thriller, City of Lies follows
Goldie as she tries to understand what is happening both in Jewel
and Spoke. Her dream job, that of being the Fifth Keeper is nearly
in her grasp, but her sorrow about her parent's imprisonment stops
her accepting it. But in Spoke she can see what is happening back
home and struggles to free the group to enable them to get home to
stop the Flugleman's machinations.
Fran Knight