Circle of Fire by Michelle Zink

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Atom, 2011. ISBN 9781905654475/
Circle of Fire is an engaging Gothic fantasy with a feminine heroine Lia, who manages to overcome both her own darkness of character and a menacing, supernatural force threatening the world.
Lia summons a steadfast conviction utilising the wholesome strength of love, both familial and romantic to overcome her trials. The story interweaves a supernatural quest with an idealised romance. Michelle Zink uses an imaginative treatment of characters who are on a high ethical plane with an emphasis on values.
The story speaks to me of family and bonding, the bonds between parents, siblings and extended family, even those bonds we make with significant others and how these alliances are drawn together in times of trial and hardship. Instead of possible dissolution, a unity is created that is strong enough to overcome the jealousies, hurts and estrangement of Lia's twin sister Alice and draws many other characters to contribute their loyalty to the quest.
All the ingredients of prophecy, journey, romance and quest combine to involve the reader's interest and enjoyment.
Cristine Davis