Chu's Day by Neil Gaiman

Illustrated by Adam Rex. Published by Harper Collins, 2013.
Hardcover. ISBN 9780 0620 17819.
(Ages: 3 - 8) Highly recommended. Neil Gaiman has written a book for
his youngest audience yet. This is the tale of Chu, a little Panda
with a big BIG sneeze. Chu's sneezes always lead to trouble. When
Chu sneezes, Bad Things happen.
This is a simple story which is brought amazingly to life by the
detailed and quirky illustrations of Adam Rex. There are small,
delightful details (such as an elephant sized space for elephants at
the library, the aviator goggles, the expression on Chu's face when
he sneezes) which add a huge degree of richness to what is a fairly
straightforward text.
There are many elements of the story which make it ideal for
beginning readers - this is a text where there are many
opportunities to predict what will happen next, to read the repeated
text, and to engage with the bold print. There is also an
accompanying teachers guide, which will assist with lesson planning,
and may guide beginning teachers in their explorations of guided and
modelled reading.
This book is a delight to read aloud, and I found that the more you
build up the 'ah, ah, AH . . . ' the funnier the 'no' becomes. It
has also been suggested that this book immerses children in the
skills required to be 'comic literate' which I found an interesting
perspective. An example of this is the large image of Chu appearing
above the text, in much the same way as occurs in comics. Visual
literacy is such an important skill set, and this book makes the
skill set accessible in an endearingly simple way. This book comes
highly recommended.
Freya Lucas