Chooky-doodle-doo by Jan Whiten

Ill. by Sinead Hanley. Walker Books Australia, 2014. ISBN
Recommended for Pre-school students. Picture Book. This fresh and
colourful picture book is an introduction to simple counting and
rhyming which will delight children and parents. The short verse
structures are repeated with the only changes in the third line and
of course the numbers.
One little chooky chick
Pulling at a worm.
Clucky cluck, worm's stuck.
What should chooky do?
As more chickens are added to the line and the worm proves to be
long and strong, five chickens are recruited before the rhyme
changes to the concept of lots, being six, and a rooster are
introduced along with cock-a-doodle-doo.
With a bit of team work and an extra effort the worm comes loose to
reveal a surprise for all, a farmer's buried shoe with the lace being
the expected worm.
By using the question, 'What should chooky do?' children are
asked to respond and make suggestions establishing connections
between their own experiences and the story. The final question, 'Who
knew?', invites a conclusion before the answer is revealed over the
page again encouraging participation in the story.
The large easy to read font, plenty of white space and stylised
chickens created using both digital and hand crafted collage
techniques using a limited range of colours keeps the focus on the
Sue Keane