Children of virtue and vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi

Legacy of Orisha, bk 2. MacMillan, 2019. ISBN: 9781529034790.
(Age: 14+) Recommended. Zelie has just set fire to her father's
funeral pyre, and now she and her brother Tzain, and her friend
Amari, daughter of Orisha's dead monarch, have to work out how to
save their country from war, and establish peace between the maji,
traditional holders of magic, from whom Zelie and Tzain descend, and
the increasingly powerful rulers of the land who want to destroy
anything to do with the maji. It looks like there is a chance for
peace as the princess Amari asserts her right to the throne, but
then everything turns to disaster when it is discovered that her
brother Inan and her fierce and power hungry mother Nehanda still
The story is set in the fantasy land of Orisha, based on the towns
and settings of Nigeria; and the inhabitants speak Yoruba.
Exclamations and incantations are frequently in Yoruba and not
translated, so the reader has to just guess or skip those sentences.
There is no glossary to help here.
The themes centre on overcoming oppression and the hatred between
different groups of people. One nice feature is the friendship
between the two girls Zelie and Amari, each with separate
allegiances, but who for the most part try to work together. However
they are gradually drawn apart by the warring factions. Each of them
struggles to know who to trust, and how to resolve the conflict in
their country.
Children of virtue and vengeance is book 2 in the Orisha
trilogy, and while I read this as a stand-alone, it took a while to
work out the relationships, and the references to strange creatures
such as the lionaire which may have been given better description in
the first book. So I would recommend reading Children of blood
and bone first. The chapters are short and fast-paced,
alternating between three narrators, Zelie, Amari, and Inan, and
quickly draw the reader into the action, so that it is easy to stay
engaged until the end. However, the cliff-hanger ending clearly
leads into the third yet to be released novel.
Readers of fantasy who enjoy mystical worlds with action, romance
and some gore, will enjoy this series. Themes include identity,
courage, magic, racism.
Helen Eddy