Chicken big by Keith Graves

Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 978 1 74169 977 7
(Ages: 5+ ) Picture book. On a very small farm a huge egg is laid by
a very small hen, and out of the egg hatches a humungous chicken. He
is so big that he does not fit into the chook house, so big that he
that the other animals think he is all sorts of things. So begins a
search for what this large yellow animal really is, as the chooks
sift through a number of large things, to arrive at a name for him.
Is he an elephant, or an umbrella, and so on, each time deciding why
he is not what they think he might be. Classes and individual
readers will have a great time trawling through the reasons why the
animals think he is one thing, and be able to call out why he is
not. A great deal of fun will be had. The illustrations too add
another layer of mirth as roosters and hens walk in line scared of
this large yellow animal. The expressions on their faces add another
level of fun for the readers.
When the large chicken saves the day by scaring the fox away, all is
resolved as the large chicken is accepted for what he is and invited
to reside in the hen house with the rest of the chooks.
A wonderfully funny story of difference and acceptance.
Fran Knight