Chick 'n' Pug by Jennifer Sattler

Bloomsbury, 2011. ISBN: 978 1 4088 1373 7
Recommended for ages 4 and above. Chick, the adventure-reading member
of the coop, is desperate to break away from the humdrum existence of
the farm and experience adventure first hand. On his journey, he meets
a 'real-life Wonder Pug'. Pug reveals early on that, he is 'A Pug', but
one who shares few similarities with the hero of Chick's book. Whilst
he waits for the pug's adventurous nature to shine through, Chick
figures maybe he could help out when a cat enters their territory. Thus
is a hero born!
As stated in the blurb, 'This is a funny, heartwarming story of
misplaced hero worship - and the beginning of a wonderful friendship'.
Accompanied by painted illustrations which depict two totally endearing
characters, the text is sparse but implies far more. In a style similar
to that of Lynley Dodd, the illustrator has shown only the legs of the
human, thereby maintaining the focus on the animal characters, and
injecting humour as the uncomplaining, compliant pug is dressed by its
owner. This would not only make a delightful story to read to very
young children, but could be used with older children to discuss
friendship, respecting the differences of others and such personal
attributes as risk taking, curiosity, and the desire to try new things.
Jo Schenkel