Chasing the valley: Skyfire by Skye Melki-Wegner

Random House Australia, 2014. ISBN 9780857981721
(Age: 14+) On the run from their old home with King Morrigan's arrest
and capture warrants on their heads, Danika Glynn and her crew are
running towards freedom after (for the second time) foiling the
tyrannous King's plans. Along with Danika are: infamous thief and
sneak - Teddy Nort, once Richie twins - Clementine and Maisy
Pembroke whom have both proved themselves to not be the spoilt
little rich girls as they were once portrayed, and last but not least,
Lukas Morrigan, only son of the famous and much disliked, King
Morrigan. Although a band of mismatched crew, they work together to
scramble to a new land where your proclivity tattoo (found on the
back of the neck) and magic determine your life. Once they arrive,
is all of the hard work done and will they remain free?
Chasing the valley: Skyfire by Skye Melki-Wegner is the third
instalment in the Chasing the valley trilogy and is just as exciting
and vibrant on every page like the previous two action packed
novels. The dialogue found between characters is realistic and makes
the reader feel like they are a part of the conversation. With
fantastical descriptions that paint the scenery of Danika and her
crew around the reader, Skyfire is a book you'll find hard to put
down. The language and themes within this novel appeal to a mid to
older teenage audience mainly because of the political themes that
are involved and which could be a challenge for younger readers
because they are so interwoven in the plot. Over all, the Chasing the valley trilogy is definitely one series that the reader
would find valuable and enjoyable to have on their shelf.
Sarah Filkin (Student)