Chasing the Valley: Borderlands by Skye Melki-Wegner

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Random House Australia, 2014. ISBN: 9781742759562.
(Age; 15+) Recommended. After destroying the tyrant king of Taladia's plans to invade the safe haven known as the Magnetic Valley, Danika and her crew of refugees cross uncharted lands that none dare to tread to escape both the royal family as well as Sharr Morrigan. Sharr and her band of hunters are in hot pursuit of the crew consisting of the two scruffers, Danika and Teddy, two riche twins, Clementine and Maisy and a disowned prince of the royal family and Sharr's cousin, Lukas Morrigan. But things get even more dangerous for the crew when sneaky bands of smugglers and a gathering frontline of conscripted soldiers lie between them and the Valley, them and freedom. These various groups of people are strange enough but the peculiar actions of Lukas in the night and Danika's Night proclivity gaining power makes things dangerous for the refugee crew. As the crew struggles, they stumble across new information that could bring their whole world tumbling down. Will they be able to complete their dream of reaching the Magnetic Valley?
Chasing the Valley: Borderlands by Skye Melki-Wegner is an epic sequel to the first novel, Chasing the Valley. Borderlands carries on with the story seamlessly and makes the reader feel like they never put the last book down. With themes of action, mystery and mild romance, this novel suits older readers who enjoy reading a good fight and tales of survival. This series is definitely, without a doubt, one of my favourites.
Sarah Filkin (Student)