Chanukah Lights by Michael J Rosen and Robert Sabuda

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Walker, 2011. ISBN: 9780763655334.
(Ages: 5+) Highly recommended.  This masterful combination of Rosen's lyrical poetry and Sabuda's intricate pop-up art work has created a book which I plan to treasure, hide away carefully and bring out each year to share with students! It truly is a keepsake book which reminds one of the trials and oppression of the Jews, as they refused to relinquish their faith. Each page tells of a different place where Jews have resided and reflected back upon the miraculous story of the Temple lamp which burned for eight days. Sabuda includes the lighted candles of the menorah cleverly within each of his illustrations. Apart from the candles on each page, the paper-craft is entirely white, with graduated shades of colour providing the backgrounds. The only exception is the final page spread, in which the candles are represented by the gold topped spires of the tall skyscrapers.
Although this book would be a wonderful asset in teaching Jewish children about their stories and history, it also contains universal truths, relevant to all who wish for peace, hope, freedom and the ability to openly express and practice their own beliefs.
Jo Schenkel