Caravan Fran by Cheryl Orsini

Lothian, 2015. ISBN 9780734416131
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Holidays, Friendship, Caravans, Journeys,
Maps, Safety. Three friends, Dave, Sam and Joe, set off on their
holidays with Caravan Fran in tow. They must first pack their
caravan with all the things they need, then drive off. But along the
way their dog, Ray falls into the river. Sam dives in to rescue him
but they drift off, and Joe grabs the canoe from the top of the van
to paddle after them.
While Dave drives off to their destination, readers will love
following their antics as the car and van follow the road, and the
dog and Ray swim down the river with Sam following in the canoe. All
three friends are working hard at saving the dog.
The soft watercolour and gouche illustrations work well with this
entertaining story of friendship and holidays. Children will
love looking at all the detail included in the pictures on each
page, and marvel at the journey taken by the group. Caravan Fran
holds up well, stuffed full of their necessaries and she looks very
contented once they all reach the beach and their things can be
spread out. The pictures of the van and its insides are enticing,
and the range of things that come out of the van to make their life
more comfortable on their holiday is incredible. Readers will take
the opportunity to talk of their family holidays, what they see and
any adventures they had. Teachers will take the opportunity to talk
of the safety measures needed when holidaying as well as using the
book to introduce the idea of maps.
Fran Knight