Captivate by Carrie Jones

Bloomsbury, 2010. ISBN 9781408807415.
(Age 14+) Captivate is the second book in the series following Need,
be read first to gain an understanding of the characters
and what has happened. After imprisoning the pixies and their King,
Zara and her friends find that this is not a satisfactory solution.
More pixies are arriving, lured by the opportunity to take over the
King's realm and rule his followers. Zara is confronted by a new King,
Astley, who declares that there are both good and bad pixies. He
believes that he is good and that Zara is destined to be his Queen.
Another dark King appears and suddenly everything that Zara loves is at
Jones spends a lot of time in the book working up the romance between
Zara and Nick with some minor romantic moments with Devyn and Issy.
Although there are some amusing moments in the relationship, I found it
a bit cloying. However this is important background for the action and
decisions that Zara has to make about whether she will become a pixie
queen. She has to decide whether she can trust the newly arrived King,
Astley, who I found to be rather a shadowy character. I would have
liked more in-depth characterisation here, as it was unclear whether he
is a worthy King for Zara or even a new love interest. An extra minor
character, Cassidy, adds some tension to the group dynamics.
Jones tosses in some Norse mythology, this time looking at a Valkyrie
who takes away dying warriors to Valhalla, the kingdom of Odin. I found
this addition to the faerie mythology a bit strange but it is necessary
to the plot. This time the author prefaces her chapter headings with
hints on how to deal with pixies. These Pixie tips are often amusing
and add a lighthearted touch to the tense action and strained
relationships. The humour is a welcome addition to this type of story.
This is another light, easy to read paranormal book, which teenagers
will enjoy. There is a cliffhanger ending that ensures that the third
in the series will be picked up. Teens who like this story may like to
move onto Marianne Curley's The named, which is well written
and has
lots of action.
Pat Pledger