Captain Mack and the giant squid by John Lomas-Bullivant

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 9781406323603.
(Age 6-10) Graphic novel. In the first of a series, Captain Mack has to
prove that he can save a submarine trapped between rocks deep in the
ocean. But there is a monster squid there that makes it difficult for
him! After this daring rescue, Captain Mack comes home to find that
there is a Space Monster invasion at Sunshine City causing panic and
mayhem. His old foe, Tracy Trickster has been up to her tricks again.
What can he do about it?
This colourful graphic novel, with its easy story line and short
sentences, is aimed at newly independent readers, especially
boys. The action in the story is suspenseful and is sure to
interest the young reader. The comic book type illustrations are also
The humour in both the illustrations and dialogue add interest to what
should prove to be a popular series with the very young who will also
delight in the silliness and naughtiness of Tracy Trickster.
Pat Pledger