Captain Jimmy Cook discovers X marks the spot by Kate and Jol Temple

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Ill. by Jon Foye. Allen and Unwin, 2016. ISBN 9781760291945
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Humour. Australian history. School. Jimmy Cook and his friends gather together implements to dig a hole behind the toilet block at school. Jimmy has found a dinosaur footprint and being the explorer that he is, wants to dig for dinosaur bones. He has already picked out names for this new species. Only Conrad brings a spade so the trio goes to the maintenance shed where they borrow several spades, but while there Jimmy's eagle eyes spy out a map of the school with a large X on it, and he knows X marks the spot where buried treasure lies. They are off an adventure once again, and just as well Jimmy keeps a journal of their exploits. Fans of this inventive 'descendent' of James Cook will understand the journal that is kept daily, marking the weather and various objects pertinent to their deeds. But the whole school gets wise to their digging and soon the playground and school surrounds is a mess of holes.
The accompanying wonderful illustrations which dot the pages are a treat. This book, the second in the series will increase the numbers of followers of Jimmy Cook.
Fran Knight