Captain Blunderbolt by Carol Ann Martin

Ill. by Loren Morris. Mates (series). Scholastic. 2011. ISBN 978 1
86291 823 8.
(Ages 6+) Recommended. Life on the goldfields is tough for Alberta,
Maudie and Tully Flannigan. Their parents work hard to get money for
the family to live, but the school lessons cost threepence a week
which they can barely afford. Father goes off to try and find work,
but often gets lost coming home. The children would prefer to wag
school, and in so doing one day, climb upon a mound of rocks near
the town and find it is the hide out for the notorious captain
Blunderbolt, the local bushranger. There they watch his antics, and
Tully, knowing that their father has gone off again in search of
work, comes to the conclusion that the bushranger, an inept rider
and thief, is their father. When the police set a trap for the
robber, things escalate and Blunderbolt escapes, but not before Alberta
works out who he really is.
A fun little story in this great range of books, Captain Blunderbolt
will be enjoyed by the early chapter book readers, looking for a
humourous tale to read. Lots of pictures reflect the action, adding
to the overall picture of what it was like to live on the gold
fields in the nineteenth century. Some words, as in the others in
this fine series, are highlighted, adding variety and interest to
the text. Short chapters ensure readers will follow what is
happening, and the whole package is inviting. A list at the end of
the book outlines the others in this series, which will be eagerly
sought out in the school library and bookshop shelves.
Fran Knight