Can I touch your hair? by Irene Latham and Charles Waters

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Carolrhoda Books, 2018. ISBN 9781512404425
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. This book is a collection of poems written by Irene who is white and Charles who is black. These poems delve into the differences related to race, mistakes, friendship even hair.
Can I touch your hair? is written like a school project with two students who don't know each other having to work together on a poem project. By the end of the book they start to look beyond their differences and look at what they have in common.
It could be used as a teaching tool for a poetry project helping people to get to know each other, to encourage people to look at others' points of view on everyday things like hair, shoes, beach and church.
I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it for 10+.
Karen Colliver