Callie by Ruth Park

Angus and Robertson, 2009. ISBN 97807322892
(Ages: 8+) This reissue in one volume of Ruth
Park's Callie's
Castle and Callie's Family will win the hearts of
many new readers as they are pulled into the story of Callie, at a
in her short life, dealing with step sisters and brothers, missing her
father terribly.
Callie's father died when she was three, but
it is only now, as her mother and stepfather and siblings, move to a
new house,
that her fears come to the surface. Irascible at school and at home, it
her grandfather, an old Scots, to put his finger on the problem, and
look for a
The superb writing make this a sure fire
winner as a read aloud, and the book will be picked up by middle to
primary readers. The cover illustration will unfortunately be a put
off, old
fashioned as it appears, but the story, first published in 1974, has
lost none
of its appeal. Some readers will notice that the children do not rely
on mobile
phones and play outdoors, instead of in front of a computer, and Callie
is at
ease asking strangers for directions, but this points to a different
albeit 30 years ago. The central issues of finding one's voice and
having a
space of your own will not be lost on today's readers.