Caesar the war dog: Operation pink elephant by Stephen Dando-Collins

Random House, 2014. ISBN 9780857981684 (pbk)
(Age: Middle primary) Well recommended. An exciting and realistic
adventure story with a chocolate Labrador called Caesar, his handler
Ben and a group of Australian Special Forces men on a mission to
Tanzania to catch the notorious Zuba, who is poaching and killing
elephants for their tusks and selling them to the Chinese. This is a
captivating story with all the elements of a thrilling chase.
The journey to Africa is graphically detailed with Ben and Caesar
having to jump from the helicopter and land in the sea! It's a very
dangerous mission, extremely well described and full of action and
heroism. Ben's good mate Lucky has been captured by Zuba and the
Special Force has come to free him and the many children he kidnaps
and forces into his service
The fast moving pace captures the real feeling of the horror and
fear the kidnapped children feel. Caesar's scent helps free the
captives and the ivory before it leaves the African docks. Operation
Pink Elephant is successful.
There is a list of Military terms and a Fact File which is very
Sue Nosworthy