Caesar the War Dog: Operation Blue Dragon by Stephen Dando-Collins

Random House, 2013. ISBN 9780857980533. Ebook ISBN 9780857980540.
The first story in this series, Caesar the War Dog is based on the
true story of Australian military dog Sarbi and its experiences in
Afghanistan, combined with the factual experiences of Endal, the
devoted British dog who cared for his wheelchair-bound ex-serviceman
master and became the most decorated dog in history. And now Caesar,
with his extraordinary explosive-detecting nose, is back with Ben,
his master, on a new mission to Afghanistan, an essential part of a
multi-national team searching for the Secretary-General of the
United Nations who has been captured by the Taliban after his
helicopter goes down.
This is an action-packed real-life adventure that gives the reader
an insight into not just the amazing things that these dogs do, but
the bond that can exist between master and dog. It demonstrates the
courage of not only the dogs, but all those who serve in war,
particularly those in the elite forces, yet its matter-of-factness
does not glorify conflict. Interwoven with so much factual
information, at times the reader wonders if this is not a true story
and even as an adult reader, I was engrossed. As well as the notes
of explanation at the back, teaching notes for the first story are available
. If you have boys who are reluctant readers, this is one to suggest
to them. I know one young lad and his soldier-father who will read
this together and there will be another special connection made
during the experience.
Barbara Braxton