By Royal Command by Charlie Higson

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Puffin Books, 2008.
I've been looking forward to this book for some time, as Hurricane Gold was my favourite book yet, and raced through it in around 90 minutes!
James is supposed to be relaxing and staying out of trouble for a while. However, he joins up with the school ski trip and his stamina and survival skills are tested virtually straight away. After a few lessons on the slopes, James manages to save the life of a VERY annoying and drunk boy. He's also sure he is being watched. On his return to Eton, he befriends the new maid, who invites him to a meal in the park. Whilst there, he meets her friend, the school gardener. Unbeknownst to James, he is gathering materials to blow up the school whilst the King is visiting!
James saves the day. However, the pressure becomes too much for him, and he decides to run away (I won't say why - you'll have to read the book!) However, as always with James Bond, things are never as simple as they seem.
With the re-appearance of a long 'dead' villain, the murder plot and his brushes with Royalty, I certainly was not disappointed with this book. Roll on the next!
Nikki Heath