Bunnygirl: the first adventure by Holly Jayne

Berbay Publishing, 2020. ISBN: 9780648785118.
(Age: 5+) This is the first adventure of Bunnygirl by debut author
and illustrator Holly Jayne. Bea is a young girl who enjoys being
kind and helping others. She and her best friend Woofs the dog
always try to find caring things to do but Bea feels she needs a
super hero costume to be a super friend. She tries all sorts of
outfits but nothing just feels quite right. Bea and Woofs rescue an
injured and lost bunny and take care of it. They then try to find
the bunny's home in the dark woods and encounter a river but clever
Woofs helps Bea solve the problem. While Woofs does not talk he
always seems to know what Bea needs. They eventually find the
bunny's family and friends and the animals are so grateful to Bea
for helping the lost bunny return home that they leave a surprise on
her doorstep. Finally Bea will have her wish for a super hero
costume granted.
Bunnygirl is a perfect introduction for young emergent
readers to the graphic presentation format with clearly illustrated
panels providing simple text and images to engage the reader. This
would be an excellent book to be shared between an older reader and
younger child with directions for reading the panels very important
in understanding the story. Themes: Friendship, Super Hero,
Kindness, Animals.
Kathryn Beilby