Bums & tums, a lift the flap book about animals illustrated by Mandy Foot

Lothian, 2015. ISBN 9780734415950
(Age: 3-5) Warmly recommended. Animal parts, Rhyming story. A
question is posed on each page, answered by the picture and writing
beneath the flap which will be eagerly lifted by a young reader. The
question, 'Who likes the beach and can live for a hundred years?'
reveals a sea turtle beneath the flap, with a large picture filling
the double page. The simple question contains words which will
engender discussion between the adult and child reading the book,
and the younger person will learn information about world wide
animals as they read. I'm pleased that the sentences do not
patronise the reader, using words like especially, hundred,
bellybutton and stylish.
Children will love to predict the rhyming word at the end of the
next sentence as well as guess what animal is being spoken of. In a
class this could be used as a model for children's writing, learning
about rhyming words as they read this humorous story.
Lift the flap books have a notoriously short shelf life, so this
book will teach younger readers how to use books such as these with
Fran Knight