Brumby Mountain by Karen Wood

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Diamond Spirit series. Allen and Unwin, 2012. ISBN 9781742378633.
(Ages: 13+) Jess and her friends love horses, so when Luke brings home four brumbies that had been horribly mistreated by brumby runners, Jess and Luke agreed something had to be done so with Mrs Arnold and Grace they go to Mathews' Flat to find out who is running the brumbies.
Luke was born in Mathews Flat and recently went looking for his father only to find that he had died of cancer six months earlier and that everything his father owned had been left to him. He now owned a property in Mathews' Flat right next to the mountain where the brumbies lived.
When they get to Mathews' Flat Luke reconnects with his past and for the first time Jess fears that she might lose him.
I really enjoyed this book, it was interesting and kept me glued to the page till the end. It made me feel sorry for the horses and want to see them stop the brumby runners. I would definitely recommend this book especially to people who love horses, and even if you're not too keen on book about horses I would still recommend that you read this because I'm not too keen on them and I loved this book. Although I would also recommend reading the rest of the series first because I haven't and I was a bit confused at times.
Tahlia Kennewell (Student)