Bronze bird tower by Carole Wilkinson

Dragonkeeper book 6. Walker Books, 2017. ISBN 9781922179586
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Dragons. Fantasy. Myths. Mythical
worlds. Carole Wilkinson has ended the Dragonkeeper series
with another thrilling, fantasy journey into the mythical world of
Huaxia (China) in the safe haven where the dragons have sought
sanctuary. This series is set at a time when it seems that dragons
are about to lose their capacity for survival. Tao the dragonkeeper
(who has power to summon the life-force from the invertebrate world
and the ability to see visions into the future) is called upon again
to rescue the dragons and their hope for the future - their dragon
stones. His Buddhist leanings (although challenged at times)
encourage him to seek peaceful solutions for the dragons in order to
solve their in-fighting and the war-like advances from humans bent
on using the dragons for their own power displays. Tao's faithful
dragon companions, who see and know his strengths despite his
peaceful demeanour, eventually work with him to ensure the long-term
survival of the remaining mythical creatures. But will his role as
dragonkeeper protect them into the future?
Wilkinson has managed to create a stand-alone story (even though
this is Number 6 in the Dragonkeeper series) that could be
comfortably promoted to readers even if they have not read other
books in the series. (I confess to only having read books 1 and 2 in
the series, prior to reading this final offering.) This is a series
that can be savoured for introducing a fantasy and mythical world of
dragons and magical powers that is still narrative-driven, gentle,
and not blatantly sinister. It also explores and parallels human
motives as they pursue power and self-aggrandisement. The Buddhist
practices of Tao are generally confined to peaceful and vegetarian
preferences, but this also provides an uncommon perspective for
children's literature. His wisdom and mystical powers supersede his
religious life.
Carolyn Hull