Brave and bold: Female DC super heroes take on the Universe by Sam Maggs

DK Penguin Random House, 2019. ISBN: 9780241389164. hbk, 127 pgs.
Ages: any super hero fan, but if I have to give an age 7+. I so much
love my comics but don't know much about DC super heroes until now.
I do know the major ones and this book opens up a new universe to me
of DC female super heroes. It's a great introduction and especially
helpful to those teachers and parents out there who want to be in
the know for their students and children. I would keep Brave and
bold nearby for quick reference.
You will find a forward by Gail Simone who is a bestselling DC
writer. Then you get a two page spread-out for each female super
hero presented in the book. You get a page about the character that
I found very easy to read and very informative. You also get
colourful drawings of the characters that looks awesome and will
find children and fans drawn to the book. Did you know that some
people who have seen Supergirl in action say she may be more
powerful than Superman?
I loved how each page starts with a character's quote and I did
recognise some of them from movies or comics. It is also separated
into 4 different parts, compassionate, bold, curious and persistent,
all traits that the super heroes have.
Reading through the book, I was thinking how many female super
heroes are there? There are heaps. I was also thinking, where is my
favourite super hero of all time, Raven? I even came across Lois Lane
who I wouldn't have considered a Super hero. I was getting closer
and closer to the end and my heart missed a beat . . . there was
Raven from Teen Titans.
Brave and bold would be great on anyone's book shelf that
likes their super heroes.
Maria Komninos