Brain-fizzing facts by Dr Emily Grossman

Illus. by Alice Bowsher. Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2019. ISBN:
(Age: 5-12 years) Highly recommended. On her website Emily Grossman says 'My
aim is to show people just how exciting science is, and to make it
more accessible by explaining complex concepts in a fun and engaging
way.' Her book, Brian-fizzing facts, meets this aim
extremely well, answering those questions many children ask but that
adults do not know how to answer, e.g., could thinking make you
stronger; which animal has the strongest bite; why does dog urine
glow under UV light; and everything you probably never wanted to
know about farting but that most kids would love to discover. Her
question and answer format is written in very accessible language
and is interesting to read and easy to understand. Every page of
this book has interesting and fun facts complemented by the amusing
illustrations of Alice Bowsher. The format of cartoon-type drawings
in greyscale invites the reader to browse the questions and
multiple-choice answers that pepper the book. One example I enjoyed
gives possible answers to the question Where would you find the
strongest muscle in your body? a. Your heart, b. your jaw, c. your
calf or d. your bottom. Complete answers to each of these
possibilities fill the following five pages with a multitude of
facts in a way that draws the reader into the text.
This book would be a great addition to personal as well as classroom
libraries. It is a useful reference tool and a good book to pick up
and browse at any time.
Jan Barwick