Boris on show by Andrew Joyner

Puffin Books, 2012. ISBN 9780143306696
(Age: Early reader) Warmly recommended. Humour. Into the Hogg's Bay
Show, Boris enters a whole host of things, a large pumpkin, some
lemons, a piece of his artwork, a photograph, and some eggs, even
his cat, Lion. But best of all, he spends time making a carrot
cake. He collects the carrots from the garden from under the nose of
Frank the sheep, who loves eating them.
Boris and his family go to the show, confident that Boris will win a
prize, but when the children are high up in the ferris wheel, they
see Frank lurking outside the cake judging tent. All will be lost if
Frank gets inside, so the children act. Boris saves the day however,
and although he does not win a prize, his photo is in the paper as
the hero of the show.
Another in the charming series of stories about Boris the pig, is
presented in this tale of submitting entries for the local show, and
then saving the day with some quick thinking. The subtlety of the
selfless act by Boris will not be lost on the readers, as they
ponder his win. The lively story with its cheerful illustrations
will be sought out by early readers, eager for a new chapter book,
and with the recipe for carrot cake at the end no one will be able
to resist trying it out. at home or in the classroom.
Fran Knight