Boondaburra by Natalie Lonsdale

Even Before Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 9781922074553.
Boondaburra, the platypus, is different to the other Australian
animals that he meets. Because of this, he is teased and rejected by
them, retreating to his burrow where his mother placates him. She
tells him that he has been made as the Creator has chosen for him to
be; that he is unique and that diversity is an important part of the
world. Shortly thereafter, a massive fire destroys the bountiful
bushland of their home. His mother expresses her concern for the
other animals and together the two head off to offer help and assist
with finding food for the other survivors. When Bondaburra pokes his
head out of the muddy billabong, he sees an injured kookaburra.
Before he can offer assistance, the bird is threatened by a large
snake. Using his poison spur, Boondy drives the snake away and
provides food for kookaburra. As the other animals slowly return to
the area, some months later, they hear the tale of the brave
platypus. Immediately, they begin to accept him and value him for
his differences.
This book is published by Wombat books under the imprint of their
Christian publishing label. Despite its strong Christian messages of
love, caring, acceptance and diversity, this book could be used in
any setting as there is no reference to God but merely the Creator. The story of Boondaburra could be used to discuss not
just bullying and differences between people or groups but also the
Australian creatures and the effects of natural disasters. The
detailed realistic watercolour illustrations which use earthy tones,
as well as a clever page of jigsaw pieces which depict small parts
of a variety of animals, provide a wonderful backdrop to this story.
Jo Schenkel