Bookie Gambler Fixer Spy by Ed Hawkins

Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408169964.
(Ages: 15 - Adult) Recommended. Non-Fiction. Recount. Deceit.
Biographical. Ed Hawkins is a sports journalist who for many years
conversed with some of the world's most infamous bookkeepers and
illegal gamblers via the social networking website, Twitter. At
first the relationships were innocent enough; they mainly discussed
statistics, weather conditions and their opinions on the upcoming
matches outcomes. This, however, all changed in 2011 when Ed
watched one of the world's most anticipated matches. It was between
Pakistan and India, a match following the recent 2008 Mumbai
terrorist attacks, an attack on Indian soil carried out by a group
of Pakistani terrorists. Patriotism was at an all time high and the
estimated worldwide-televised viewings were 1 billion. As world cup
semi-finals went this one was indescribable. Unfortunately, this
match was tainted with illegal match fixing and Ed was notified with
a message from a bookie explaining there was a script that the
players were following. He watched in awe as the match of the
century was beautifully choreographed. From that day he decided to
meet up in person with some of the world's most notorious
bookkeepers, gamblers, punters, fixers and players, exposing them.
Throughout his journey he meets with them, is taught on how the
business works, learns of the perks (easy money) and the
disadvantages (attempted murder and blackmail) and in some cases
gets to know them outside of work.
Hawkins uses vivid imagery to capture the detail of when he is
addressing the tension between the two neighbouring nations of
Pakistan and India and how it was in fact more than just an average
game. His comparison with the game and the famous George Orwell
quote that 'Sport is war minus the guns' brings a sense of urgency
and patriotism between the two nations and makes the reader realise
there is so much more to Cricket than the game.
I thought this was an effective attempt in appealing and catering to
a reader who may not be the biggest fan of sport. Unfortunately some
of the terminology and the repetition of it is quite difficult to
understand and makes comprehension of the story a bit of a struggle.
Flipping back and forth from the glossary gets quite tedious and
interrupts the flow of reading. This book is an entertaining ride
and is a must have for all fans of the sport, but can also cater to
others who despise cricket. The meeting with the criminals, giving
them a voice and having them explain how the world of illegal
gambling works is interesting as you get a first hand idea, which in
my opinion reminisces The Wolf of Wall Street. It has
changed how I look at cricket forever.
Corey Joyce (Student)