Bonded in death by J.D. Robb

Amazing! This is the 60th book in the Eve Dallas thriller series by J.D. Robb who produces a new police procedural and plot to engage her many fans. This time she gives the reader background information on the urban wars of the 2020s and on Summerset, who has been an enigma in many of the books. Dallas is tasked with investigating the murder of Giovanni Rossi, an Italian citizen, who has flown into New York to meet a friend. As she investigates the crime, she uncovers information about a secret underground organisation called The Twelve that had fought clandestine battles against the enemy in the Urban Wars. Summerset is himself one of The Twelve and together with his remaining compatriots he must reveal his past to help Dallas find the killer.
Bonded in death is gripping and could be considered as one of the best in the series. The background of the Urban Wars and the part that The Twelve played in it was fascinating. Summerset’s role in the wars and his subsequent dedication to Roarke also gave depth to his character which in past books has been shown mostly as an irritable butler. The reader now sees him as a clever organiser and crucial in bringing the Urban Wars to an end, as well as rescuing a young boy in Dublin and bringing him up to be the man that Dallas loves.
Eve follows the trail of the killer, using the knowledge that the remaining members of The Twelve have of his habits and personality. She interviews each of them and gradually builds up a picture of where he could be hiding and when a young boy is kidnapped the stakes get even higher in the race to find the murderer.
This is another strong police procedural with themes of treachery and betrayal, revenge and war. The plotting is tight and suspenseful, keeping the reader unwilling to put the book down, and the characters are very engaging. I look forward to the next in the series.
Themes: Detective fiction, Murder, Thriller.
Pat Pledger