Bold tales for brave-hearted boys by Susannah McFarlane

Allen and Unwin, 2019. ISBN: 9781760524715.
(Ages: 6-9) Susannah McFarlane's book of 'tilted' fairy tales gives
an interesting slant to four traditional tales; Jack and the
beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, The Emperor's new clothes
and Sleeping Beauty. It is beautifully illustrated by
Brenton McKenna, Simon Howe, Matt Huynh and Louie Joyce. I love the
thoughts expressed in the preface poem, which tells boys that they
can be 'clever, honest and bold of heart' and 'strong is more than
muscle and might: it's following your heart to do what's right'. The
four stories are not greatly different from the original and it
could be an interesting class exercise to compare the originals with
these, to look at how the characters vary from the originals and how
that impacts on the adaptations. Titles that imply the book is for
one gender only are not my cup of tea and this one has not really
endeared itself to me. Written as a companion to the author's Fairytales
for feisty girls, the book subtly tells girls they can do and
be anything they want, but it does not seem to give the same message
or permissions to male readers. Whilst Hansel is able to come up
with the idea of how to escape, he has to rely totally on Gretel
having the courage to rescue them. Prince Leo is simply following
the family business and doing what he has spent his life training
for, whilst Aurora breaks the stereotype of what princesses can do
and be. This book has shown me that I prefer my fairy tales to have
characters that are larger than life rather than ones that are as
ordinary and mundane as the rest of us.
Jan Barwick