Bogtrotter by Margaret Wild

Ill. by Judith Rossell. Walker Books, 2015. ISBN 9781921977558
(Age: Junior primary) Loneliness, Change, Horizons. Bogtrotter does
the same thing every day. He wakes, runs over, around and up and
down the bog all day then goes back to his cave. The next day is the
same and the one after that. Sometimes he feels lonely and sometimes
he wishes for change, but he still does the same thing everyday. One
day he meets a frog who asks him why he does this, and this impels
Bogtrotter to pick a flower. This small event initiates a change in
his behaviour. The next day he talks to a family of muskrats, the
next day he swings from a tree, and after that he picks enough
flowers to make a chain. He does a variety of different things he
has not done before, but still feels lonely. Frog passes by and
suggests that he might try outside the bog, and with that,
Bogtrotter takes off and goes off into a whole new world outside his
bog. The last page will draw suggestions from the children about
what the Bogtrotter finds over the wall, and perhaps suggest new
things they could do as well.
This is a charming, gentle story about change and trying something
different, about taking a risk, about doing something unfamiliar.
The beautiful gentle watercolours suit the story admirably,
softening the edges of Bogtrotter and his world, the bog. The
Bogtrotter's environment is charmingly displayed. Children will not
help but see the implications in this story about trying something
new, and be impelled themselves to add something new to their day.
Fran Knight