Blueeyedboy by Joanne Harris

Doubleday, 2010. ISBN 9780385609517. 410p.
(Age: 15+) Recommended for Year 11+. Told in the form of online blogs
to a webjournal, sometimes in first person, sometimes third, the novel
is about the only surviving brother of three and his widowed mother,
Gloria, who is possessive, cruel and ambitious. Because she colour
codes the children's clothing for her convenience they become known as
Black, Brown and Blue in the Webjournal. When two of the boys show
signs of synaethesia Gloria takes them to a wealthy academic who
sponsors them until a more interesting case, that of a blind girl who
claims to sense colours, is discovered, and the boys are rejected, one
of them seeking revenge. The webjournal charts the 'progress' of one of
the brothers through childhood and adolescence to an adult obsessed
with murder and revenge. The plotting is complicated and intriguing;
the reader is not sure which brother is the author of the journal, or
who the girl writing responses is, or whether what is written is fact
or fiction. The sense of threat increases as unexpected developments
happen, the bloggers being revealed for who they are. The narrative
techniques are interesting but the language is not overly demanding.
Ultimately about the helplessness of children, even adult children,
faced with a manipulative and determined parent, the theme is universal.
Jenny Hamilton